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Philadelphia Dragons Sports Association


Philadelphia Dragons Sports Association
Background Information Instructions and Checklist
Basketball 2019

Pennsylvania law requires the PDSA to obtain background checks of each person who serves as a coach, including assistant coaches. If you want to coach a Taney basketball team, you must provide to Taney copies of the following: (1) a Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance; (2) a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Report; and (3) a Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers. For coaches who have not been a Pennsylvania resident for 10 or more years, you must also provide to Taney a copy of the following: (3) a Report of Federal Criminal History Record Information. Instructions are provided below.

Pennsylvania law requires the PDSA to keep your background check information. We recommend you keep copies for yourself as well. PDSA cannot provide legal advice to you about the various background checks. In addition to the websites listed below for each report, you can also obtain information from the website

You must provide all the information listed below to PDSA’s compliance officer no later than Friday, November 1, or you will not be able to participate in the player draft or to coach a team

Once you have obtained the required certificates, please login to PDSA’s website,, using the account you created to register your child and volunteer to coach a PDSA team. Once logged in, please click on the “VOLUNTEER” tab on the left column. Next, click on the “Details” button which will bring you to your “Position Information” screen. At the bottom of this page under “Position Documents & Forms,” you will find the links that will allow you to upload the required certificates.

NOTE:  If you coached a PDSA baseball team or basketball team in the past, you may already have the necessary documents. You do NOT need to obtain a new Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance Certification or a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record IF:

A.   you previously obtained each report, AND

B.    the report date is October 15, 2014 or later;

BUT you still must submit to PDSA copies of the old reports.

By submitting a prior report, you affirm that the information in the report has not changed since the date of the report.

PA Child Abuse History Clearance Certificate

To obtain this clearance certificate, please go to this link and follow the directions.

The report is free for unpaid volunteers once every 57 months.  Otherwise, the report costs $13.  Usually the report is provided immediately; but occasionally it may take up to two weeks to receive it.

If you’ve never obtained a clearance before, click on “Create Individual Account” and follow the directions.

If you already have registered at this site, click on “Individual Login” and follow the directions.  

Please click on the tab to obtain the full certificate of the report and print it. 

PA State Police Criminal History Report

To obtain this report, please go to this link and follow the directions.

This report also is free for unpaid volunteers. (It appears to be free every year.) 

Click on the tab for “New Record Check (Volunteers only).”  At the bottom of the next page, click on the small box for “Volunteer Acknowledgement Section,” then click “Accept” and follow the instructions for volunteers.  (Your report does not need to be notarized.)

When filling in the cell for the “Volunteer Organization Name,” PDSA's formal name is “Philadelphia Dragons Sports Association.”

Please print the full report and not just the email acknowledgement.

Report of Federal Criminal History Record Information

You are NOT required to obtain this report, IF

A.            You have been a resident of Pennsylvania during the entirety of the previous 10-year period;


B.             If you haven’t been a Pennsylvania resident for the previous 10-year period, you have received a federal criminal history check or certification since becoming a Pennsylvania resident and you provide a copy to Taney;

AND, whether A or B applies,

C.             You sign, date, have a witness sign, and return to PDSA's compliance officers the attached Volunteer Disclosure Statement, in which you swear or affirm that you are not disqualified from volunteering for Taney by having committed any of the crimes listed in the statement.

If you are not exempt, you must obtain and provide to PDSA a Federal Criminal History Record Information Report.

If you’ve obtained this report since October 15, 2014, provide a copy of the report.

If you haven’t received this clearance since then (or never obtained one at all), then you must obtain a new report.

You cannot apply for this report online. Instead, you must submit a full set of your fingerprints to the Pennsylvania State Police, who will submit them to the FBI. 

This report costs $25.75, which you must pay.

To obtain this report, you must submit your fingerprints with your application. You may do so and request the record information at any IndentoGo location. IdentoGo is the company that Pennsylvania uses to obtain and transmit fingerprints. It also goes by the names IDEMIA and MorphoTrust. For your convenience, the address of each location near Center City is listed below, but you are free to use any IdentoGo locations.

First Contact HR, 1015 Chestnut Street, Telephone # 267-314-5181
A Second Chance, Inc., Penn Treaty Park Place, 1341 North Delaware Ave., 1-888-439-2486
South Street Business Center, 744 South Street, Telephone # 215-592-8000

Contact Us

Philadelphia Dragons

614 S. 4th St, #326
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

Email: [email protected]

Philadelphia Dragons

614 S. 4th St, #326
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

Email: [email protected]
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